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2020년 6월 인제의대 교원 연구논문리스트

 인제대학교 의과대학 관리자 2020.07.07 11:29 309

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무제 문서
No. 저자정보 논문정보
소속 1저자 교신저자 제목 저널명 2018 JCR
Impact Factor
1 미생물학교실 - 이주미 Prognostic significance of USP10 and p14ARF expression in patients with colorectal cancer Pathology Research and Practice 2.050
2 심혈관 및 대사질환연구센터 이성률 - Anti-osteoporotic effects of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge EtOH extract both in ovariectomized and naturally menopausal mouse models Journal of Ethnopharmacology 3.690
3 부산백병원 가정의학과 - 이가영 Eating behavior and metabolic syndrome over time Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia Bulimia and Obesity 3.634
4 부산백병원 대장항문외과 배기범 An Animal Model of Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis With a High Metastasis Rate and Clonal Dynamics Anticancer Research 1.999
5 부산백병원 유방외과 이안복 BRCA1/BRCA2 Pathogenic Variant Breast Cancer: Treatment and Prevention Strategies Annals of Laboratory Medicine 2.803
6 부산백병원 정형외과 - 김정한 Influence of Glenoid Labral Bumper Height and Capsular Volume on Clinical Outcomes After Arthroscopic Bankart Repair as Assessed With Serial CT Arthrogram: Can Anterior-Inferior Volume Fraction Be a Prognostic Factor? American Journal of Sports Medicine 5.810
7 부산백병원 정형외과 박대현 Predictors of the need for laminectomy after indirect decompression via initial anterior or lateral lumbar interbody fusion Journal of Neurosurgery-Spine 3.011
8 부산백병원 핵의학과, 영상의학과 박지선 김동욱 Prevalence and Features of Thyroglossal Duct Cyst on Ultrasonography, According to Radioactive Iodine Therapy: A Single-Center Study Frontiers in Endocrinology 3.644
9 상계백병원 심장내과 서종권 - Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds Versus Drug-Eluting Stents for Diffuse Long Coronary Narrowings American Journal of Cardiology 2.570
10 상계백병원 정신건강의학과 - 김봉석 Comorbidity and Factors Affecting Treatment Non-Persistence in ADHD Journal of Attention Disorders 2.826
11 서울백병원 비뇨기과 여정균 박민구 Effects of Testosterone Treatment on Quality of Life in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease American Journal of Mens Health 1.605
12 일산백병원 내분비내과 홍재원 김동준 The prevalence of and demographic factors associated with radiographic knee osteoarthritis in Korean adults aged >= 50 years: The 2010-2013 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Plos One 2.740
13 일산백병원 신경과 홍근식 Five-Year Cumulative Cost Saving with Thrombolysis in Korea: 3-Month Disability-Based Estimation [Letter to Editor] Journal of Stroke 7.470
14 일산백병원 신경과 박홍균 - Statin therapy in acute cardioembolic stroke with no guidance-based indication Neurology 8.770
15 일산백병원 재활의학과 - 김지용 Clinical Characteristics of Developmentally Delayed Children based on Interdisciplinary Evaluation Scientific Reports 3.998
16 일산백병원 정신건강의학과 - 이승환 Prediction of Antidepressant Treatment Outcome Using Event-Related Potential in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder Diagnostics 3.110
17 일산백병원 정신건강의학과 - 박영민 Effect of the Type and Number of Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Timing of Adverse Experiences on Clinical Outcomes in Individuals with Bipolar Disorder Brain Sciences 3.332
18 일산백병원 정형외과 최준영 서진수 Does the long-term use of medial arch support insole induce the radiographic structural changes for pediatric flexible flat foot? A prospective comparative study Foot and Ankle Surgery 1.776
19 해운대백병원 류마티스내과 김성호 - Comparison Analysis between the Medication Efficacy of the Milnacipran and Functional Connectivity of Neural Networks in Fibromyalgia Patients Brain Sciences 3.332
20 해운대백병원 신장내과, 신경과 박봉수 박강민 Top 100 Cited Articles on Sleep Medicine: A Bibliometric Analysis European Neurology 1.182
21 해운대백병원 신장내과, 신경과 박봉수 박강민 Differences of connectivity between ESRD patients with PD and HD Brain and Behavior 2.091
22 해운대백병원 소화기내과,
김태오 이주미 Genome-Wide Analysis of the DNA Methylation Profile Identifies the fragile histidine triad (FHIT) Gene as a New Promising Biomarker of Crohn's Disease Journal of Clinical Medicine 3.303
23 해운대백병원 신경과 - 김시은 Characteristics of Perfusion Computed Tomography Imaging in Patients with Seizures Mimicking Acute Stroke European Neurology 1.182
24 해운대백병원 신경외과 - 진성철 Hybrid mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke using an intermediate aspiration catheter and Trevo stent simultaneously Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 1.760
25 해운대백병원 이비인후과 김상연 - How Can We Predict the Recovery from Pitch Lowering After Thyroidectomy? World Journal of Surgery 2.234
26 해운대백병원 정신건강의학과 박선철 Network analysis of the depressive symptom profiles in Asian patients with depressive disorders: Findings from the Research on Asian Psychotropic Prescription Patterns for Antidepressants (REAP-AD) Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 3.351
27 해운대백병원 정형외과 공규민 - Eliminating projection error of measuring Pauwels' angle in the femur neck fractures by CT plane manipulation Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 1.809
28 해운대백병원 정형외과 임재영 - Comparison of Bone Preservation in Elderly Patients with Femoral Neck Fracture After Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty Using Shorter Femoral Stem and Standard Femoral Stem Indian Journal of Orthopaedics 0.920